-- Textures for raymarcher require "Vector" local V = Vector local function make_phong_texture(lights, mapped_pigment, amb, diff, spec, shiny) local normalize = V.normalize local eps = 0.0001 local function light_visibility(location, light_dir, pos, dest, res, sdf) local p = sdf(location) if pos + p.dist > dest then return res elseif p.dist < eps then return 0.0 else return light_visibility(location + light_dir*p.dist, light_dir, pos+p.dist, dest, math.min(res, 30*p.dist/(pos+p.dist)), sdf) end end return function (location, ray_dir, normal, count, sdf) local colour = mapped_pigment(location) local thiscol = {colour[1]*amb, colour[2]*amb, colour[3]*amb} local reflected_ray = ray_dir - normal*(ray_dir*normal*2) for _,light in ipairs(lights) do local light_dist = V.norm(light-location) local light_dir = (light-location)/light_dist local vis = light_visibility(location + light_dir*eps, light_dir, eps, light_dist, 1, sdf) local Idiff = math.max(normal*light_dir, 0) local Ispec = math.pow(math.max(light_dir*reflected_ray,0),shiny) thiscol[1] = thiscol[1] + vis*(colour[1]*Idiff*diff + Ispec*spec) thiscol[2] = thiscol[2] + vis*(colour[2]*Idiff*diff + Ispec*spec) thiscol[3] = thiscol[3] + vis*(colour[3]*Idiff*diff + Ispec*spec) end return thiscol end end local function make_count_texture(scale) return function (location, ray_dir, normal, count, sdf) return {count*scale, count*scale, count*scale} end end local function make_flat_texture(mapped_pigment) return function (location, ray_dir, normal, count, sdf) return mapped_pigment(location) end end -- Pigments local function make_solid_pigment(colour) return function(x,y) return colour end end local function make_checkered_pigment(pigment1, pigment2) return function(x,y) if (x%1 < 0.5 and y%1 < 0.5) or (x%1 > 0.5 and y%1 > 0.5) then return pigment1(x,y) else return pigment2(x,y) end end end local function make_image_pigment(filename,scale) print("Loading image pigmant from '" .. filename .. "'...") local f = assert(io.open(filename, "rb")) local data = f:read("*all") f:close() local start,_,wstr,hstr,dstr,raster = string.find(data, "^P6[%s%c]+(%d+)[%s%c]+(%d+)[%s%c]+(%d+)[%s%c](.*)$") if start ~= 1 then error("Error reading image. Is it in PPM(P6) format?") end if dstr ~= "255" then error("Only images with a depth of 255 are supported.") end local width = tonumber(wstr) local height = tonumber(hstr) local depth = tonumber(dstr) local pixels = {} local i = 1 for triple in string.gmatch(raster, "...") do local _,_,r,g,b = string.find(triple, "(.)(.)(.)") pixels[i] = {string.byte(r)/depth, string.byte(g)/depth, string.byte(b)/depth} i = i + 1 end print("done.") print("(Read " .. tostring(#pixels) .. " pixels.)") local pixels_per_unit = math.max(width,height) return function(x,y) local xi = math.floor(((x+0.5)*pixels_per_unit/scale)%width) + 1 local yi = math.floor(((y+0.5)*pixels_per_unit/scale)%height) + 1 local i = width*(yi-1) + xi if pixels[i] == nil then error("Pixel not found at xi=" .. tostring(xi) .. " yi=" .. tostring(yi)) end return pixels[i] end end local function make_mandelbrot_pigment(set_pigment, nonset_pigment, max_iter) local function get_col(x,y,cx,cy,iter) if iter == 0 then return set_pigment(cx, cy) elseif x^2 + y^2 > 4 then return nonset_pigment(cx, cy) else return get_col(x^2 - y^2 + cx, 2*x*y + cy, cx, cy, iter-1) end end return function (x,y) return get_col(0,0,x,y,max_iter) end end -- Mapping functions -- These functions define mappings from 3D world coordinates to 2D -- texture/pigment coordinates local function map_rectangular(pigment, xvec, yvec) return function(location) return pigment(location*xvec, location*yvec) end end local function map_spherical(pigment, centre, scale_theta, scale_phi) return function(location) local r = location-centre local rnorm = V.norm(r) local phi = math.acos((V.z*r)/rnorm) local theta = math.acos((V.x*r)/V.norm(V.cross(V.z,r))) return pigment(theta*scale_theta/math.pi, phi*scale_phi/math.pi) end end Textures = { make_phong_texture = make_phong_texture, make_flat_texture = make_flat_texture, make_count_texture = make_count_texture, make_solid_pigment = make_solid_pigment, make_checkered_pigment = make_checkered_pigment, make_mandelbrot_pigment = make_mandelbrot_pigment, map_rectangular = map_rectangular, map_spherical = map_spherical } return Textures