-A hobby Scheme interpreter for FORTH 83. Specifically it is targeted at
-[forth.jl](http://github.com/tgvaughan/forth.jl) which is an implementation of
-FORTH on top of [Julia](http://www.julialang.org), hence the name. It began
-life as a fairly direct port of Peter Micheaux's [Bootstrap
-Scheme](https://github.com/petermichaux/bootstrap-scheme) (as described in
-[this wonderful series of blog
-posts](http://peter.michaux.ca/articles/scheme-from-scratch-introduction)) from
-C to forth, but also includes:
+A hobby Scheme interpreter for FORTH 83. Specifically it is targeted
+at forth.jl (gopher://thelambdalab.xyz/1/projects/forth.jl/) which is
+an implementation of FORTH on top of Julia (http://www.julialang.org),
+hence the name. It began life as a fairly direct port of Peter
+Micheaux's Bootstrap Scheme
+(https://github.com/petermichaux/bootstrap-scheme) described in a
+wonderful series of blog posts at
+but now includes: