(chicken pathname)
(chicken process-context)
(chicken irregex)
- matchable srfi-13 srfi-1
+ matchable srfi-13 srfi-1 srfi-18
uri-common tcp6 openssl)
;; Globals
-(define nick "botbot")
-(define username "#phloggersgarage bot")
+(define irc-host #f)
+(define irc-port #f)
+(define bot-nick #f)
+(define bot-channel #f)
+(define bot-proc-file #f)
+(define usetls #t)
+(define bot-proc #f)
+(define ping-period 60) ;seconds
(tcp-read-timeout #f) ;disable read timeout
-(define (launch-bot host port)
- (let-values (((in-port out-port) (tcp-connect host port)))
+(define (launch-bot)
+ ;; (let-values (((in-port out-port) (tcp-connect host port)))
+ (set! bot-proc (eval (with-input-from-file bot-proc-file read)))
+ (let-values (((in-port out-port)
+ (if usetls
+ (ssl-connect* hostname: irc-host port: (or irc-port 6697))
+ (tcp-connect irc-host (or irc-port 6667)))))
;; Connect to server
(if (establish-connection in-port out-port)
;; (bot-loop in-port out-port)
(print "Successfully connected!")
+ (start-ping-timer out-port)
(bot-loop in-port out-port))
(print "Failed to establish connection. Aborting..."))))
(define (establish-connection in-port out-port)
- (write-msg `(#f #f "NICK" (,nick)) out-port)
- (write-msg `(#f #f "USER" (,nick "0" "*" ,username)) out-port)
- (let ((msg (read-msg in-port)))
- (print msg)
- (string=? (msg-command msg) "001")))
+ (write-msg `(#f #f "NICK" (,bot-nick)) out-port)
+ (write-msg `(#f #f "USER" (,bot-nick "0" "*" ,bot-nick)) out-port)
+ (if bot-channel
+ (write-msg `(#f #f "JOIN" (,bot-channel)) out-port))
+ #t)
+(define (start-ping-timer out-port)
+ (thread-start!
+ (lambda ()
+ (let loop ()
+ (thread-sleep! ping-period)
+ (write-msg `(#f #f "PING" (,bot-host)) out-port) ; send ping
+ (loop)))))
(define (bot-loop in-port out-port)
- (let loop ((msg (read-msg in-port)))
- (match (cons (msg-source msg) (cons (msg-command msg) (msg-args msg)))
- ((_ "PING" token)
- (write-msg `(#f #f "PONG" (,token)) out-port))
- ((source "PRIVMSG" target args ...)
- (when (string=? target nick)
- (print "Someone sent me this message: " args)
- (write-msg `(#f #f "PRIVMSG" (,source "Message received!")) out-port)))
- (_
- ; Do nothing
- ))
- (loop (read-msg in-port))))
+ (let ((privmsg (lambda (to . args)
+ (write-msg (list #f #f "PRIVMSG" (cons to args)) out-port))))
+ (let loop ((msg (read-msg in-port)))
+ (match (cons (msg-source msg) (cons (msg-command msg) (msg-args msg)))
+ ((_ "PING" token)
+ (write-msg `(#f #f "PONG" (,token)) out-port))
+ ((source "PRIVMSG" target args ...)
+ (when (string=? target bot-nick)
+ (bot-proc source args privmsg)))
+ (_
+ ;; Do nothing
+ ))
+ (loop (read-msg in-port)))))
(define (read-msg in-port)
(let ((msg (string->msg (read-line in-port))))
- (print "Received message: " msg)
+ (display "Received message: ")
+ (write msg)
+ (newline)
(define (write-msg msg out-port)
(define (parse-message-args argstr)
(if argstr
- (let ((first-split (string-split argstr ":")))
- (if (null? first-split)
- #f
+ (let ((idx (substring-index ":" argstr)))
+ (if idx
- (string-split (car first-split) " ")
- (cdr first-split))))))
+ (string-split (substring argstr 0 idx) " ")
+ (list (substring argstr (+ idx 1))))
+ (string-split argstr " ")))))
(define (msg-tags msg) (list-ref msg 0))
(define (msg-source msg) (list-ref msg 1))
(define (msg-args msg) (list-ref msg 3))
(define (print-usage progname)
- (print "Usage: " progname " host port"))
+ (let ((indent-str (make-string (string-length progname) #\space)))
+ (print "Usage:\n"
+ progname " [-h/--help]\n"
+ progname " [-p/--port PORT] [--notls] [-c/--channnel CHANNEL]\n"
+ indent-str " proc-file host nick")))
(define (main)
- (let ((progname (pathname-file (car (argv)))))
- (match (command-line-arguments)
- ((host port)
- (launch-bot host (string->number port)))
- (_
- (print-usage progname)))))
+ (let ((progname (pathname-file (car (argv))))
+ (port 6697)
+ (channel #f))
+ (if (null? (command-line-arguments))
+ (print-usage progname)
+ (let loop ((args (command-line-arguments)))
+ (let ((this-arg (car args))
+ (rest-args (cdr args)))
+ (if (string-prefix? "-" this-arg)
+ (cond
+ ((or (equal? this-arg "-h")
+ (equal? this-arg "--help"))
+ (print-usage progname))
+ ((or (equal? this-arg "-p")
+ (equal? this-arg "--port"))
+ (set! irc-port (string->number (car rest-args)))
+ (loop (cdr rest-args)))
+ ((equal? this-arg "--notls")
+ (set! usetls #f)
+ (loop rest-args))
+ ((or (equal? this-arg "-c")
+ (equal? this-arg "--channel"))
+ (set! bot-channel (car rest-args))
+ (loop (cdr rest-args)))
+ (else
+ (print "Unknown argument '" this-arg "'")
+ (print-usage progname)))
+ (match args
+ ((procfile host nick)
+ (set! bot-proc-file procfile)
+ (set! irc-host host)
+ (set! bot-nick nick)
+ (launch-bot))
+ (else
+ (print "One or more invalid arguments.")
+ (print-usage progname)))))))))
--- /dev/null
+(let ((url-alist '())
+ (url-list-file "phlog_list.txt"))
+ (import matchable srfi-1
+ (chicken file)
+ (chicken string)
+ (chicken pretty-print))
+ (if (file-exists? url-list-file)
+ (let ((res (with-input-from-file url-list-file read)))
+ (if (pair? res)
+ (set! url-alist res))))
+ (define (save-url-list)
+ (with-output-to-file url-list-file
+ (lambda () (pretty-print url-alist))))
+ (define (set-url nick url)
+ (let ((nick-symb (string->symbol nick)))
+ (set! url-alist
+ (alist-cons nick-symb url (alist-delete nick-symb url-alist)))
+ (save-url-list)))
+ (define (get-url nick)
+ (let* ((nick-symb (string->symbol nick))
+ (record (assoc nick-symb url-alist)))
+ (and record (cdr record))))
+ (define (clear-url nick)
+ (let* ((nick-symb (string->symbol nick)))
+ (set! url-alist (alist-delete nick-symb url-alist))
+ (save-url-list)))
+ (lambda (source args privmsg)
+ (match (string-split (car args))
+ (("hello")
+ (privmsg source "hello yourself!"))
+ ((",seturl" url)
+ (set-url source url)
+ (privmsg source "updated url"))
+ ((",geturl" nick)
+ (print "in geturl")
+ (privmsg source
+ (let ((url (get-url nick)))
+ (if url
+ (conc "URL for " nick ": " url)
+ (conc "No URL for " nick " in database")))))
+ ((",rmurl")
+ (clear-url source)
+ (privmsg source "cleared url"))
+ ((",list")
+ (if (null? url-alist)
+ (privmsg source "No registered phlog/gemlog/blog URLs. :(")
+ (begin
+ (privmsg source "Current URL list:")
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (record)
+ (let ((nick (symbol->string (car record)))
+ (url (cdr record)))
+ (privmsg source (conc " " nick ": " url))))
+ url-alist))))
+ ((",announce")
+ (let ((url (get-url source)))
+ (if url
+ (privmsg "#phloggersgarage"
+ (conc source " has published a new post at " url "!"))
+ (privmsg source "Register your *log URL first using ,seturl <URL>."))))
+ (_
+ (privmsg source "Hi! Here are the valid pgbot commands:")
+ (privmsg source " ,seturl [url] : Save your *log URL for others to see")
+ (privmsg source " ,rmurl : Remove your *log URL if one is saved.")
+ (privmsg source " ,geturl [nick] : Retrieve the *log URL belonging to [nick].")
+ (privmsg source " ,list : List all currently stored *log URLs.")
+ (privmsg source " ,accounce : Announce a new *log entry to #phloggersgarage! Huzzah!")))))