(define-record message to from text user password)
(define (make-empty-message) (make-message "" "" "" "" ""))
+(define (time-stamp)
+ (time->string (seconds->local-time "%d %b %Y %T %z")))
;;; Server initialization
(let ((messages '()))
(let-values (((in-port out-port) (tcp-accept listener)))
(let-values (((local-ip remote-ip) (tcp-addresses in-port)))
- (print "Accepted connection from " remote-ip " on " (seconds->string)))
+ (print "Accepted connection from " remote-ip " on " (time-stamp)))
(set! messages (process-smtp (make-smtp-session in-port out-port config) config))
(o (exn)
(loop msg received-messages))
((smtp-command? "data" line)
(smtp-session 'send "354 intermediate")
- (let text-loop ((text ""))
+ (let text-loop ((text (conc "Received: from " (smtp-session 'helo)
+ " by " (config-host)
+ " for " (message-from msg)
+ "; " (time-stamp))))
(let ((text-line (smtp-session 'get-line)))
(if (string=? "." text-line)
(message-text-set! msg text)
(define (deliver-message-remote msg config)
(let ((host (get-host-from-email (message-to msg))))
(print "Attempting delivery to host " host)
- (let-values (((tcp-in tcp-out) (tcp-connect host 25)))
+ (let-values (((tcp-in tcp-out) (tcp-connect host 2525)))
(let ((smtp-session (make-outgoing-smtp-session tcp-in tcp-out)))
(let ((result (and
(smtp-session 'expect "220")
(smtp-session 'send "data")
(smtp-session 'expect "354")
(smtp-session 'send (message-text msg))
+ (smtp-session 'send ".")
(smtp-session 'expect "250")
(smtp-session 'send "quit"))))
(close-input-port tcp-in)
(close-output-port tcp-out)
-(define ((make-outgoing-smtp-session tcp-in tcp-out) command)
+(define ((make-outgoing-smtp-session tcp-in tcp-out) . command)
(match command
(('expect code)
- (string-prefix? "220" (read-line tcp-in)))
+ (let ((result (read-line tcp-in)))
+ (print "Expecting " code " got " result)
+ (string-prefix? code result)))
(('send strings ...)
- (write-string (string-translate (conc (apply conc strings) "\n") "\n" "\r\n")
- out-port))))
+ (print "Sending " (car strings) (if (> (length strings) 1) " ... (truncated)" ""))
+ (let ((processed-string
+ (string-translate* (conc (apply conc strings) "\n")
+ '(("\n" . "\r\n")))))
+ (write-string processed-string #f tcp-out)))))
;;; Command line argument parsing