#+TITLE: Development notes/ideas
* Planned improvements
-** TODO Make URLs the basic address type.
-Currently I waste a lot of effort converting between
-URL and non-URL representations. This is unnecessary, and
-actually makes lots of things uglier.
-For example, the bookmarks file contains addresses in Elpher's
-internal representation, whereas I expect users would prefer
-it contain URLs.
-So the idea would be for (elpher-node-address node) to be
-a either a string or a symbol, with symbols used for "special"
-pages (bookmarks, start page, etc). The getter functions
-`elpher-address-selector' etc will still do what they currently
-do, but will process the URL to do it.
-This also means that non-gopher URLs will be explicitly represented
-as such: no more abusing the "h" type for these.
** TODO Allow multiple elpher buffers
expanding and collapsing bookmark groups sounds like it
might need more specific bindings.
+** TODO Implement Gemini support
* Current issues
+** URL-centric addressing breaks bookmark file compatibility
+Need a way to allow people to rescue their old bookmark files
+following this update.
* Completed improvements
** DONE Support character encoding diversity
+** DONE Make URLs the basic address type.
+Currently I waste a lot of effort converting between
+URL and non-URL representations. This is unnecessary, and
+actually makes lots of things uglier.
+For example, the bookmarks file contains addresses in Elpher's
+internal representation, whereas I expect users would prefer
+it contain URLs.
+So the idea would be for (elpher-node-address node) to be
+a either a string or a symbol, with symbols used for "special"
+pages (bookmarks, start page, etc). The getter functions
+`elpher-address-selector' etc will still do what they currently
+do, but will process the URL to do it.
+This also means that non-gopher URLs will be explicitly represented
+as such: no more abusing the "h" type for these.
* Old issues
** DONE Org mode faces are not present in recent emacs versions