quasiquote-symbol tagged-list? ;
: unquote? ( obj -- obj bool )
- unquote-symbol tagged-list?
+ unquote-symbol tagged-list? ;
+: unquote-splicing? ( obj -- obj bool )
+ unquote-splicing-symbol tagged-list? ;
: eval-unquote ( env obj -- res )
cdr ( env args )
2drop car 2swap eval
+( Create a new list from elements of l1 consed on to l2 )
+: join-lists ( l2 l1 -- l3 )
+ nil? if 2drop exit then
+ 2dup car
+ -2rot cdr
+ recurse cons
defer eval-quasiquote-item
: eval-quasiquote-list ( env obj -- res )
nil? if
2over 2over ( env obj env obj )
- car eval-quasiquote-item ( env obj caritem )
+ cdr recurse
+ -2rot car ( cdritems env objcar )
+ unquote-splicing? if
+ eval-unquote ( cdritems caritem )
+ 2swap nil? if
+ 2drop
+ else
+ 2swap join-lists
+ then
+ else
+ eval-quasiquote-item ( cdritems caritem )
+ 2swap cons
+ then
- -2rot cdr recurse ( caritem cdritems )
- cons
:noname ( env obj )
: printnone ( noneobj -- )
2drop ." Unspecified return value" ;
+: printport ( port -- )
+ 2drop ." <port>" ;
:noname ( obj -- )
fixnum-type istype? if printfixnum exit then
realnum-type istype? if printrealnum exit then