create-symbol lambda lambda-symbol
create-symbol λ λ-symbol
create-symbol begin begin-symbol
-create-symbol apply apply-symbol
\ }}}
nil nil nil extend-env
global-env obj!
+\ }}}
+\ ---- Primitives ---- {{{
+: make-primitive ( cfa -- )
+ bl word
+ count
+ \ 2dup ." Defining primitive " type ." ..." cr
+ cstr>charlist
+ charlist>symbol
+ rot primitive-proc-type ( var prim )
+ global-env obj@ define-var
+: arg-count-error
+ bold fg red ." Incorrect argument count." reset-term cr
+ abort
+: ensure-arg-count ( args n -- )
+ dup 0= if
+ drop nil objeq? false = if
+ arg-count-error
+ then
+ else
+ -rot nil? if
+ arg-count-error
+ then
+ cdr rot 1- recurse
+ then
+: arg-type-error
+ bold fg red ." Incorrect argument type." reset-term cr
+ abort
+: ensure-arg-type ( arg type -- arg )
+ istype? false = if
+ arg-type-error
+ then
\ }}}
\ ---- Macros ---- {{{
+ \ Dummy apply procedure
+ \ Should never actually run!
+ ." Error: Dummy apply procedure executed!" cr
+; dup make-primitive apply
+objvar dummy-apply-proc
+primitive-proc-type dummy-apply-proc obj!
: apply ( proc argvals -- result )
2swap dup case
primitive-proc-type of
2over 2over ( env exp env exp )
operator ( env exp env opname )
- 2dup apply-symbol objeq? if
- 2drop 2swap ( env env exp )
- cdr 2dup car 2rot ( env expbody real-opname env )
- eval ( env expbody proc )
- 2swap cdr
- nil? false = if car then ( env proc real-operand )
- 2rot eval ( proc argvals )
- pair-type istype? false = if
- bold fg red ." Error: apply requires a list of operand arguments." cr
- reset-term abort
- then
- apply
- exit
- then
2dup lookup-macro nil? false = if
\ Macro function evaluation
2drop ( env exp env opname )
2swap eval ( env exp proc )
+ 2dup dummy-apply-proc obj@ objeq? if
+ 2drop ( env exp )
+ cdr 2over 2over car ( env expbody env real-opname )
+ 2swap eval ( env expbody proc )
+ 2swap cdr
+ nil? false = if car then ( env proc real-operand )
+ 2rot eval ( proc argvals )
+ pair-type istype? false = if
+ bold fg red ." Error: apply requires a list of operand arguments." cr
+ reset-term abort
+ then
+ apply
+ exit
+ then
-2rot ( proc env exp )
operands 2swap ( proc operands env )
list-of-vals ( proc argvals )
\ }}}
-\ ---- Primitives ---- {{{
-: make-primitive ( cfa -- )
- bl word
- count
- \ 2dup ." Defining primitive " type ." ..." cr
- cstr>charlist
- charlist>symbol
- rot primitive-proc-type ( var prim )
- global-env obj@ define-var
-: arg-count-error
- bold fg red ." Incorrect argument count." reset-term cr
- abort
-: ensure-arg-count ( args n -- )
- dup 0= if
- drop nil objeq? false = if
- arg-count-error
- then
- else
- -rot nil? if
- arg-count-error
- then
- cdr rot 1- recurse
- then
-: arg-type-error
- bold fg red ." Incorrect argument type." reset-term cr
- abort
-: ensure-arg-type ( arg type -- arg )
- istype? false = if
- arg-type-error
- then
-include scheme-primitives.4th
-\ }}}
\ ---- Standard Library ---- {{{
+ include scheme-primitives.4th
s" scheme-library.scm" load 2drop
\ }}}