A hobby scheme implementation for FORTH 83. Specifically it is targeted at
[forth.jl](http://github.com/tgvaughan/forth.jl) which is an implementation
-of FORTH on top of [Julia](http://www.julialang.org), hence the name. However
-it does not rely on anything but standard FORTH 83 words.
+of FORTH on top of [Julia](http://www.julialang.org), hence the name.
+The eventual goal of this project is to have scheme.forth.jl capable of being
+used to complete all of the exercises in the book
+[Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs](http://sarabander.github.io/sicp/).
+(Fun fact: chapter 4 implements a metacircular evaluator, at which point we will have
+scheme in scheme in forth in julia!)