--- /dev/null
+-- Geometric primitives for raymarching
+require "Vector"
+local V = Vector
+local function make_sphere(centre, radius, texture)
+ return function(p)
+ return {dist = V.norm(p-centre) - radius,
+ texture = texture}
+ end
+Primitives = {
+ make_sphere = make_sphere
+return Primitives
--- /dev/null
+-- Textures for raymarcher
+require "Vector"
+local V = Vector
+local function make_phong(lights, colour, amb, spec, shiny)
+ return function (location, ray_dir, normal, count)
+ local thiscol = {0, 0, 0}
+ local reflected_ray = V.normalize(normal*(ray_dir*normal*2) - ray_dir)
+ for _,light in ipairs(lights) do
+ local light_dir = V.normalize(light-location)
+ local Iamb = math.max(normal*light_dir, 0)
+ local Ispec = math.pow(math.max(light_dir*reflected_ray,0),shiny)
+ thiscol[1] = thiscol[1] + colour[1]*Iamb*amb + Ispec*spec
+ thiscol[2] = thiscol[2] + colour[2]*Iamb*amb + Ispec*spec
+ thiscol[3] = thiscol[3] + colour[3]*Iamb*amb + Ispec*spec
+ end
+ return thiscol
+ end
+Textures = {
+ make_phong = make_phong
+return Textures
--- /dev/null
+-- Small package of 3D vector functions
+local mt = {}
+local function new(v)
+ local vec = {v[1], v[2], v[3]}
+ setmetatable(vec, mt)
+ return vec
+local function addvec(v, w)
+ return new{v[1]+w[1], v[2]+w[2], v[3]+w[3]}
+local function subvec(v, w)
+ return new{v[1]-w[1], v[2]-w[2], v[3]-w[3]}
+local function addnum(v, n)
+ return new{v[1] + n, v[2] + n, v[3] + n}
+local function subnum(v, n)
+ return new{v[1] - n, v[2] - n, v[3] - n}
+local function addany(v, x)
+ if type(x) == "table" then
+ return addvec(v, x)
+ else
+ return addnum(v, x)
+ end
+local function subany(v, x)
+ if type(x) == "table" then
+ return subvec(v, x)
+ else
+ return subnum(v, x)
+ end
+local function scale(v, n)
+ return new{v[1]*n, v[2]*n, v[3]*n}
+local function dot(v, w)
+ return v[1]*w[1] +v[2]*w[2] + v[3]*w[3]
+local function mulany(v, x)
+ if type(x) == "table" then
+ return dot(v, x)
+ else
+ return scale(v, x)
+ end
+local function cross(v, w)
+ return new {v[2]*w[3] - w[2]*v[3],
+ w[1]*v[3] - v[1]*w[3],
+ v[1]*w[2] - w[1]*v[2]}
+local function scaleinv(v,n)
+ return new{v[1]/n, v[2]/n, v[3]/n}
+local function neg(v)
+ return v*(-1)
+local function norm2(v)
+ return dot(v,v)
+local function norm(v)
+ return math.sqrt(norm2(v))
+local function normalize(v)
+ return v/norm(v)
+local function vectostring(v)
+ return "{" .. v[1] .. ", " .. v[2] .. ", " .. v[3] .. "}"
+mt.__add = addany
+mt.__sub = subany
+mt.__mul = mulany
+mt.__div = scaleinv
+mt.__unm = neg
+mt.__tostring = vectostring
+Vector = {
+ new = new,
+ norm = norm,
+ norm2 = norm2,
+ cross = cross,
+ normalize = normalize,
+ x = new{1,0,0},
+ y = new{0,1,0},
+ z = new{0,0,1}
+return Vector
--- /dev/null
+require "Vector"
+local V = Vector
+require "Primitives"
+local P = Primitives
+require "Textures"
+local T = Textures
+local eps = 0.01
+local max_dist = 50
+local bg_col = {1,0,1}
+local function calculate_normal(sdf, l)
+ local delta = 1e-3;
+ return -V.new{sdf(l+V.x*delta).dist-sdf(l-V.x*delta).dist,
+ sdf(l+V.y*delta).dist-sdf(l-V.y*delta).dist,
+ sdf(l+V.z*delta).dist-sdf(l-V.z*delta).dist}/(2*delta)
+local function march(location, ray_dir, sdf, count)
+ local p = sdf(location)
+ if p.dist < eps then
+ return p.texture(location, ray_dir, calculate_normal(sdf, location-(ray_dir*eps)), count)
+ elseif p.dist > max_dist then
+ return bg_col
+ else
+ return march(location + ray_dir*p.dist,
+ ray_dir, sdf, count+1)
+ end
+local function render(scene, width, height, filename)
+ print("Rendering to file " .. filename .. "...")
+ local f = io.open(filename, "w")
+ f:write("P3 ", width, " ", height, " 255\n")
+ local c = scene.camera
+ local cam_dir = V.normalize(c.point_at - c.location)
+ local right = V.normalize(c.right)
+ local up = V.cross(right,cam_dir)
+ local aspect = height/width;
+ for y=1,height do
+ if y % math.floor(height/10) == 0 then
+ print(y/math.floor(height/10) * 10 .. "%")
+ end
+ local rayy = cam_dir + up*((y/height - 0.5)*c.fov*aspect)
+ for x=1,width do
+ local ray_dir = V.normalize(rayy + right*((x/width - 0.5)*c.fov))
+ local col = march(c.location, ray_dir, scene.sdf, 0)
+ col = {math.min(col[1]*255, 255),
+ math.min(col[2]*255, 255),
+ math.min(col[3]*255, 255)}
+ f:write(math.floor(col[1]), " ", math.floor(col[2]), " ", math.floor(col[3]), " ")
+ end
+ f:write("\n")
+ end
+ f:write("\n")
+ f:close()
+ print("done")
+local scene = {
+ sdf = P.make_sphere(V.new{0,0,0}, 1,
+ T.make_phong({V.new{2,0,2}}, {0,1,0}, 1.0, 0.5, 100)),
+ camera = {location = V.new{0,-5,0},
+ point_at = V.new{0,0,0},
+ right = V.new{1,0,0},
+ fov = 1}}
+render(scene, 640, 480, "test.ppm")