include term-colours.4th
include defer-is.4th
+\ ------ Types ------
0 constant number-type
1 constant boolean-type
2 constant character-type
: istype? ( obj -- obj b )
over = ;
+\ ------ Memory ------
100 constant N
create car-cells N allot
create car-type-cells N allot
cdr-type-cells + @
+: nil 0 nil-type ;
+: objvar create 0 , 0 , ;
+: value@ ( objvar -- val ) @ ;
+: type@ ( objvar -- type ) 1+ @ ;
+: value! ( newval objvar -- ) ! ;
+: type! ( newtype objvar -- ) 1+ ! ;
+: setobj ( newobj objvar -- ) dup rot swap 1+ ! ! ;
+: fetchobj ( objvar -- obj ) dup @ swap 1+ @ ;
+objvar symbol-table
+nil symbol-table setobj
\ ---- Read ----
: string? ( -- bool )
nextchar [char] " = ;
+: initial? ( -- bool )
+ nextchar [char] A >= nextchar [char] Z <= and if true exit then
+ nextchar [char] a >= nextchar [char] z <= and if true exit then
+ nextchar [char] * = if true exit then
+ nextchar [char] / = if true exit then
+ nextchar [char] > = if true exit then
+ nextchar [char] < = if true exit then
+ nextchar [char] = = if true exit then
+ nextchar [char] ? = if true exit then
+ nextchar [char] ! = if true exit then
+ false
+: symbol? ( -- bool )
+ initial? if true exit then
+ nextchar [char] + =
+ nextchar [char] - = or if
+ inc-parse-idx
+ delim? if dec-parse-idx true exit then
+ dec-parse-idx
+ then
+ false
: readnum ( -- num-atom )
minus? dup if
-: readstring ( -- str-obj )
+: readstring ( -- charlist )
nextchar [char] " = if
+: readsymbol ( -- charlist )
+ delim? if nil exit then
+ nextchar inc-parse-idx character-type
+ recurse
+ cons
defer read
: readpair ( -- obj )
+ symbol? if
+ readsymbol
+ drop symbol-type
+ 2dup
+ symbol-table fetch
+ cons
+ symbol-table set
+ exit
+ then
pair? if
\ ---- Eval ----
: self-evaluating? ( obj -- obj bool )
- number-type istype? if true exit then
- boolean-type istype? if true exit then
- character-type istype? if true exit then
- string-type istype? if true exit then
- nil-type istype? if true exit then
- false ;
+ true \ everything self-evaluating for now
: eval
- \ self-evaluating? if
- \ exit
- \ then
- exit
+ self-evaluating? if
+ exit
+ then
bold fg red ." Error evaluating expression - unrecognized type. Aborting." reset-term cr
[char] " emit ;
+: printsymbol ( symbolobj -- )
+ nil-type istype? if 2drop exit then
+ 2dup car drop emit
+ cdr recurse
: printnil ( nilobj -- )
2drop ." ()" ;
boolean-type istype? if printbool exit then
character-type istype? if printchar exit then
string-type istype? if printstring exit then
+ symbol-type istype? if printsymbol exit then
nil-type istype? if printnil exit then
pair-type istype? if ." (" printpair ." )" exit then