;; Standard Library Procedures and Macros ;;
+;; MISC
+(define (not x) (if x #f #t))
+(define (list . args) args)
+(define (caar l) (car (car l)))
+(define (cadr l) (car (cdr l)))
+(define (cdar l) (cdr (car l)))
+(define (cddr l) (cdr (cdr l)))
+(define (cadar l) (car (cdr (car l))))
-; Arithmetic
+; Unary ops
+(define (flo:1+ x) (flo:+ x 1.0))
+(define (flo:1- x) (flo:- x 1.0))
+(define (1+ n)
+ (type-dispatch (cons fix:1+ flo:1+) n))
+(define (1- n)
+ (type-dispatch (cons fix:1- flo:1-) n))
+(define (apply-to-flonum op x)
+ (if (flonum? x) (op x) x))
+(define (round x)
+ (apply-to-flonum flo:round x))
+(define (floor x)
+ (apply-to-flonum flo:floor x))
+(define (ceiling x)
+ (apply-to-flonum flo:ceiling x))
+(define (truncate x)
+ (apply-to-flonum flo:truncate x))
+; Type dispatch and promotion
+(define (type-dispatch ops x)
+ (if (flonum? x)
+ ((cdr ops) x)
+ ((car ops) x)))
+(define (promote-dispatch ops x y)
+ (if (flonum? x)
+ (if (flonum? y)
+ ((cdr ops) x y)
+ ((cdr ops) x (fixnum->flonum y)))
+ (if (flonum? y)
+ ((cdr ops) (fixnum->flonum x) y)
+ ((car ops) x y))))
+; Binary operations
+(define (pair+ x y) (promote-dispatch (cons fix:+ flo:+) x y))
+(define (pair- x y) (promote-dispatch (cons fix:- flo:-) x y))
+(define (pair* x y) (promote-dispatch (cons fix:* flo:*) x y))
+(define (pair/ x y) (promote-dispatch
+ (cons (lambda 'args
+ (error "Division unsupported for integers."))
+ flo:/) x y))
+(define (pair> x y) (promote-dispatch (cons fix:> flo:>) x y))
+(define (pair< x y) (promote-dispatch (cons fix:< flo:<) x y))
+(define (pair>= x y) (promote-dispatch (cons fix:>= flo:>=) x y))
+(define (pair<= x y) (promote-dispatch (cons fix:<= flo:<=) x y))
+(define (pair= x y) (promote-dispatch (cons fix:= flo:=) x y))
+(define (neg x)
+ (type-dispatch (cons fix:neg flo:neg) x))
(define (null? arg)
(eq? arg '()))
(fold-left proc (proc (car l) (car (cdr l))) (cdr (cdr l))))))
(define (+ . args)
- (fold-left fix:+ 0 args))
+ (fold-left pair+ 0 args))
(define (- first . rest)
(if (null? rest)
- (fix:neg first)
- (fix:- first (apply + rest))))
+ (neg first)
+ (pair- first (apply + rest))))
(define (* . args)
- (fold-left fix:* 1 args))
+ (fold-left pair* 1 args))
+(define (/ first . rest)
+ (if (null? rest)
+ (pair/ 1 first)
+ (pair/ first (apply * rest))))
(define (quotient n1 n2)
(fix:quotient n1 n2))
(define modulo remainder)
-(define (1+ n)
- (fix:1+ n))
-(define (-1+ n)
- (fix:-1+ n))
; Relations
(define (test-relation rel l)
(define (= . args)
- (test-relation fix:= args))
+ (test-relation pair= args))
(define (> . args)
- (test-relation fix:> args))
+ (test-relation pair> args))
(define (< . args)
- (test-relation fix:< args))
+ (test-relation pair< args))
(define (>= . args)
- (test-relation fix:>= args))
+ (test-relation pair>= args))
(define (<= . args)
- (test-relation fix:<= args))
+ (test-relation pair<= args))
+; Numeric tests
-; Current state of the numerical tower
-(define complex? #f)
-(define real? #f)
-(define rational? #t)
-(define integer? #t)
-(define exact? #t)
-(define inexact? #t)
+(define (zero? x) (pair= x 0.0))
+(define (positive x) (pair> x 0.0))
+(define (odd? n) (pair= (remainder n 2) 0))
+(define (odd? n) (not (pair= (remainder n 2) 0)))
-; Logic
-(define (not x) (if x #f #t))
+; Current state of the numerical tower
+(define (complex? x) #f)
+(define (real? x) #t)
+(define (rational? x) #t)
+(define (integer? x) (= x (round x)))
+(define (exact? x) (fixnum? x))
+(define (inexact? x) (flonum? x))
-(define (list . args) args)
-(define (caar l) (car (car l)))
-(define (cadr l) (car (cdr l)))
-(define (cdar l) (cdr (car l)))
-(define (cddr l) (cdr (cdr l)))
-(define (cadar l) (car (cdr (car l))))
; Return number of items in list
(define (length l)
(define (iter a count)