;;; emus.el --- Simple music player for Emacs. -*- lexical-binding:t -*- ;; Author: Tim Vaughan ;; Version: 1.0 ;; Keywords: multimedia ;; URL: https://thelambdalab.xyz/emus ;;; Commentary: ;; This is a simple package for playing audio from a local library ;; of audio files. ;;; Code: ;;; Customizations ;; (defgroup emus nil "Simple music player for Emacs." :group 'multimedia) (defcustom emus-directory "~/Music/" "Directory containing audio files for emus." :type '(string)) (defcustom emus-mpg123-program "mpg123" "Name of (and, optionally, path to) mpg123 binary." :type '(string)) ;;; Library ;; (defvar emus-library nil "Emus audio library.") (defun emus-get-audio-files () "Get all mp3 files in main emus directory." (directory-files-recursively emus-directory ".*\\.mp3")) (defvar emus-records nil) (defun emus-make-record (filename tagstr) (let ((artist "") (album "") (title "")) (dolist (line (split-string tagstr "\n")) (let ((found-artist (elt (split-string line "@I ID3v2.artist:") 1)) (found-album (elt (split-string line "@I ID3v2.album:") 1)) (found-title (elt (split-string line "@I ID3v2.title:") 1))) (cond (found-artist (setq artist found-artist)) (found-album (setq album found-album)) (found-title (setq title found-title))))) (list artist album title filename))) (defun emus-record-artist (record) (elt record 0)) (defun emus-record-album (record) (elt record 1)) (defun emus-record-title (record) (elt record 2)) (defun emus-record-file (record) (elt record 3)) (defun emus-update-records (then) (let ((proc (emus-get-process)) (tagstr "") (filenames (emus-get-audio-files))) (setq emus-records nil) (set-process-filter proc (lambda (proc string) (setq tagstr (concat tagstr string)) (when (string-suffix-p "@P 1\n" string) (add-to-list 'emus-records (emus-make-record (car filenames) tagstr)) (setq tagstr "") (setq filenames (cdr filenames)) (if filenames (emus-send-cmd "lp" (car filenames)) (set-process-filter proc nil) (funcall then))))) (emus-send-cmd "lp" (car filenames)))) ;;; mpg123 process ;; (defvar emus-proc-in-use nil) (defun emus-get-process () "Return current or new mpg123 process." (let* ((emus-process-raw (get-process "emus-process")) (emus-process (if emus-process-raw (if (process-live-p emus-process-raw) emus-process-raw (kill-process emus-process-raw) nil)))) (if emus-process emus-process (make-process :name "emus-process" ;; :buffer (get-buffer-create "*emus-process*") :command `(,emus-mpg123-program "-R"))))) (defun emus-send-cmd (cmd &rest args) (process-send-string (emus-get-process) (concat (seq-reduce (lambda (s1 s2) (concat s1 " " s2)) args cmd) "\n"))) ;;; Playback ;; (defvar emus-currently-playing nil) (defun emus-play-record (record) (setq emus-currently-playing record) (emus-send-cmd "l" (emus-record-file record))) (defun emus-stop () (interactive) (emus-send-cmd "s") (setq emus-currently-playing nil)) (defun emus-playpause () (interactive) (emus-send-cmd "p")) (defun emus-volume (pct) (emus-send-cmd "v" (number-to-string pct))) (defvar emus-current-volume 10) (defun emus-volume-delta (delta) (setq emus-current-volume (max 0 (min 100 (+ emus-current-volume delta)))) (emus-volume emus-current-volume)) (defun emus-volume-up () (interactive) (emus-volume-delta 10)) (defun emus-volume-down () (interactive) (emus-volume-delta -10)) ;;; Browser ;; (defun emus-render-record (record) (insert-text-button (concat (propertize (format "%-20.20s" (emus-record-artist record)) 'face 'font-lock-keyword-face) (propertize (format "% -20.20s" (emus-record-album record)) 'face 'font-lock-function-name-face) (propertize (format " %s" (emus-record-title record)) 'face 'font-lock-string-face)) 'action #'emus-click-record 'follow-link t 'emus-record record) (insert "\n")) (defun emus-render-records () (with-current-buffer "*emus*" (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (save-excursion (erase-buffer) (goto-char (point-min)) (dolist (record emus-records) (emus-render-record record)))))) (defun emus-click-record (button) (emus-play-record (button-get button 'emus-record))) (defun emus-browse () "Switch to *emus* audio library browser." (interactive) (switch-to-buffer "*emus*") (emus-mode) (emus-volume emus-current-volume) (if emus-records (emus-render-records) (emus-update-records #'emus-render-records))) (defvar emus-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map (kbd "SPC") 'emus-playpause) (define-key map (kbd "o") 'emus-stop) (define-key map (kbd "+") 'emus-volume-up) (define-key map (kbd "=") 'emus-volume-up) (define-key map (kbd "-") 'emus-volume-down) (when (fboundp 'evil-define-key*) (evil-define-key* 'motion map (kbd "SPC") 'emus-playpause (kbd "o") 'emus-stop (kbd "+") 'emus-volume-up (kbd "=") 'emus-volume-up (kbd "-") 'emus-volume-down)) map) "Keymap for emus.") (define-derived-mode emus-mode special-mode "Emus" "Major mode for EMUS music player.") (when (fboundp 'evil-set-initial-state) (evil-set-initial-state 'emus-mode 'motion)) ;;; Debugging ;;; emus.el ends here