μBotany ======= μBotany is an experiment to see what can be done in gemini without employing client-side TLS certificates. In place of these, we rely on an account identifier (a SHA-1 hash of the account name and some random salt) transmitted in the query portion of the URI to uniquely specify accounts. Because this identifier is difficult to guess from the account name, and because the URI is transmitted to the server over TLS, I don't think this is a _terrible_ way of managing sessions. μBotany is inspired by (i.e. a flagrant ripoff of) Mozz's Astrobotany, which can be found at gemini://astrobotany.mozz.us/. However, it's best thought of as a cut-down implementation of Jacob Funke's original Botany game, the source for which can be found at https://github.com/jifunks/botany. All of the plant descriptions and ascii art have been copied directly from the original, while the logic has been entirely reimagined and implemented as Chicken Scheme extension scripts to my RAGS gemini server. Installation ------------ To install and run μBotany you'll first need to be running the RAGS gemini server. (Source available at gopher://thelambdalab.xyz/1/projects/rags/.) Then, simply move this directory to a directory named "microbotany" within the content root of your server. You should then be able to create new gardens by visiting gemini://your.server/microbotany/. Licence ------- μBotany is derived from Jacob Funke's Botany game, which he released under the ISC free software license. Thus μBotany is also distributed under the same license, which can be found in the file named LICENSE.