-- Textures for raymarcher require "Vector" local V = Vector local function make_phong_texture(lights, pigment, amb, diff, spec, shiny) local normalize = V.normalize return function (location, ray_dir, normal, count) local colour = pigment(location[1],location[3]) local thiscol = {colour[1]*amb, colour[2]*amb, colour[3]*amb} local reflected_ray = ray_dir - normal*(ray_dir*normal*2) for _,light in ipairs(lights) do local light_dir = V.normalize(light-location) local Idiff = math.max(normal*light_dir, 0) local Ispec = math.pow(math.max(light_dir*reflected_ray,0),shiny) thiscol[1] = thiscol[1] + colour[1]*Idiff*diff + Ispec*spec thiscol[2] = thiscol[2] + colour[2]*Idiff*diff + Ispec*spec thiscol[3] = thiscol[3] + colour[3]*Idiff*diff + Ispec*spec end return thiscol end end local function make_count_texture(scale) return function (location, ray_dir, normal, count) return {count*scale, count*scale, count*scale} end end local function make_flat_texture(pigment) return function (location, ray_dir, normal, count) return pigment(location[1], location[2]) end end local function make_solid_pigment(colour) return function (x,y) return colour end end local function make_checkered_pigment(colour1, colour2) return function (x,y) if (x%1 < 0.5 and y%1 < 0.5) or (x%1 > 0.5 and y%1 > 0.5) then return colour1 else return colour2 end end end Textures = { make_phong_texture = make_phong_texture, make_flat_texture = make_flat_texture, make_count_texture = make_count_texture, make_solid_pigment = make_solid_pigment, make_checkered_pigment = make_checkered_pigment } return Textures