(import sam matchable srfi-13 (chicken process-context)) (define (make-client-beh system) (let ((name "name") (recipients '())) (lambda (self . message) (match message (('start) (send-message system 'print "Welcome to chat!\n" "Your client address is " (address->string self) ".\n" "Type '/help' for a list of commands.\n") (send-message system 'read self)) (('show-msg from text) (send-message system 'print from "> " text)) (((? string? str)) (if (string-prefix? "/" str) (let* ((maybe-idx (string-index str #\space)) (idx (if maybe-idx maybe-idx (string-length str))) (cmd (substring str 1 idx)) (arg (string-trim (substring str idx)))) (match cmd ((or "h" "help") (send-message system 'print "Command | Description\n" "------------------------------\n" "/help List commands\n" "/name Name Set name to use in chat.\n" "/join
Join chat with specified client\n" "/clear Clear recipients\n" "/list List current recipients\n" "/quit Quit chat")) ((or "j" "join") (if (string-null? arg) (send-message system 'print "Missing address of client.") (begin (set! recipients (cons (string->address arg) recipients)) (send-message system 'print "Added recipient to chat.")))) ((or "c" "clear") (set! recipients '()) (send-message system 'print "Cleared recipient list.")) ((or "n" "name") (set! name arg) (send-message system 'print "Name now set to '" name "'.")) ((or "l" "list") (if (null? recipients) (send-message system 'print "Recipients list empty.") (begin (send-message system 'print "Current recipients:") (let loop ((recipients-left recipients)) (unless (null? recipients-left) (send-message system 'print (address->string (car recipients-left))) (loop (cdr recipients-left))))))) ((or "q" "quit") (send-message system 'shutdown)) (else (send-message system 'print "Unrecognised command '" cmd "'")))) (if (null? recipients) (send-message system 'print "Speaking to the void.") (let loop ((recipients-left recipients)) (unless (null? recipients-left) (send-message (car recipients-left) 'show-msg name str) (loop (cdr recipients-left)))))))) (send-message system 'read self) 'sleep))) (define (main-beh self system) (send-message (make-actor (make-client-beh system)) 'start) 'done) (define (print-usage) (print "Actor-driven chat client.\n") (print "Usage: chat_client -h") (print " chat_client [-p port_num] [-n host_name]")) (let loop ((args (cdr (argv))) (host "localhost") (port 8000)) (match args (((or "-h" "--help")) (print-usage)) (((or "-p" "--port") pstr rest ...) (loop rest host (string->number pstr))) (((or "-n" "--hostname") hstr rest ...) (loop rest hstr port)) (() (boot-sam host port main-beh)) (else (print "Unrecognised argument '" (car args) "'.\n") (print-usage))))