\ Floating point arithmetic ( Cheating for now by using forth.jl CODE/END-CODE to access Julia's floating point support. This isn't at all portable. That said, the year is 2016 and most CPUs implement these operations - even the trig functions, so I don't feel too bad! ) CODE f+ b = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, a+b)) END-CODE CODE f- b = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, a-b)) END-CODE CODE f* b = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, a*b)) END-CODE CODE f/ b = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, a/b)) END-CODE ( addr len -- float ) CODE float-parse len = popPS() addr = popPS() val = parse(Float64, getString(addr, len)) pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, val)) END-CODE ( float -- ) CODE float-print print(reinterpret(Float64, popPS())) END-CODE