;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Standard Library Procedures and Macros ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; LISTS (define (null? args) (eq? args ())) ; Join two lists together (define (join l1 l2) (if (null? l1) l2 (cons (car l1) (join (cdr l1) l2)))) ; Append an arbitrary number of lists together (define (append . lists) (if (null? lists) () (if (null? (cdr lists)) (car lists) (join (car lists) (apply append (cdr lists)))))) ; Reverse the contents of a list (define (reverse l) (if (null? l) () (append (reverse (cdr l)) (list (car l))))) ;; LIBRARY FORMS (define-macro (while condition . body) `(begin (define (loop) (if ,condition (begin ,@body (loop)))) (loop))) ;; TESTING (define-macro (backwards . body) (cons 'begin (reverse body))) (define method '(while (> counter 0) (display counter) (newline) (set! counter (- counter 1)))) (define (count) (define counter 10) (while (> counter 0) (display counter) (newline) (set! counter (- counter 1)))) ; Basic iterative summation. Run this on large numbers to ; test garbage collection and tail-call optimization. (define (sum n) (define (sum-iter total count maxcount) (if (> count maxcount) total (sum-iter (+ total count) (+ count 1) maxcount))) (sum-iter 0 1 n)) ; Recursive summation. Use this to compare with tail call ; optimized iterative algorithm. (define (sum-recurse n) (if (= n 0) 0 (+ n (sum-recurse (- n 1)))))