\ Floating point arithmetic ( Cheating for now by using forth.jl CODE/END-CODE to access Julia's floating point support. This isn't at all portable. That said, the year is 2016 and I've only cheated for words that have corresponding x87 FPU instructions, so I don't feel too bad! ) CODE f+ b = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, a+b)) END-CODE CODE f- b = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, a-b)) END-CODE CODE f* b = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, a*b)) END-CODE CODE f/ b = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, a/b)) END-CODE CODE f^ b = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, a^b)) END-CODE CODE fsqrt a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, sqrt(a))) END-CODE CODE f> b = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) if a > b pushPS(-1) else pushPS(0) end END-CODE CODE f< b = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) if a < b pushPS(-1) else pushPS(0) end END-CODE CODE f= b = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) if a == b pushPS(-1) else pushPS(0) end END-CODE : f<= f> invert ; : f>= f< invert ; CODE fmod b = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, a%b)) END-CODE CODE flog a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, log(a))) END-CODE CODE fexp a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, exp(a))) END-CODE CODE fsin a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, sin(a))) END-CODE CODE fcos a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, cos(a))) END-CODE CODE ftan a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, tan(a))) END-CODE CODE fatan a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, atan(a))) END-CODE CODE fnan? a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) if isnan(a) pushPS(-1) else pushPS(0) end END-CODE CODE finf? a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) if isinf(a) pushPS(-1) else pushPS(0) end END-CODE CODE i->f pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, Float64(popPS()))) END-CODE CODE f->i a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) pushPS(Int64(round(a))) END-CODE CODE fabs a = reinterpret(Float64, popPS()) pushPS(reinterpret(Int64, abs(a))) END-CODE : f/mod 2dup fmod -rot f/ ; : 0.0 [ 0 i->f ] literal ; : 1.0 [ 1 i->f ] literal ; : -1.0 [ -1 i->f ] literal ; : 10.0 [ 10 i->f ] literal ; : flog10 flog [ 10 i->f flog ] literal f/ ; : floor dup 0.0 f>= if dup 1.0 fmod f- else dup 1.0 fmod dup 0.0 <> if f- 1.0 f- else drop then then ; : fasin ( float -- res ) dup dup f* 1.0 swap f- fsqrt f/ fatan ; : facos ( float -- res ) dup f* 1.0 swap f/ 1.0 f- fsqrt fatan ; : fhead ( float -- ) floor f->i 0 .R ; : ftail ( float prec -- ) dup 0<= if 2drop exit then swap 1.0 fmod 10.0 f* dup floor f->i 0 .R 1.0 fmod dup 0.0 f> if swap 1- recurse else 2drop then ; variable precision 16 precision ! : f.plain ( float -- ) dup 0.0 = if ." 0.0" drop exit then dup 0.0 f< if [char] - emit -1.0 f* then dup fhead [char] . emit precision @ over flog10 floor f->i - ftail ; : f.scientific ( float -- ) dup 0.0 = if ." 0.0" drop exit then dup 0.0 f< if [char] - emit -1.0 f* then dup flog10 floor dup -rot 10.0 swap f^ f/ f.plain ." e" f->i 0 .R ; : f.nospace ( float -- ) dup fabs dup 1000000 i->f f>= swap 1 i->f 10000 i->f f/ f< or if f.scientific else f.plain then ; : f. ( float -- ) f.nospace space ;