(if (<= (length rankings) (spec-hill-size spec))
(hill-save-scores-and-rankings hill-dir new-scores rankings)
- (hill-add hill-dir challenger-file challenger-name)
+ (hill-add hill-dir challenger-file)
(hill-news-add hill-dir "Challenger '" challenger-name "' added to the hill."))
(let ((loser-name (caar rankings)))
(hill-save-scores-and-rankings hill-dir
(equal? (cadr score) loser-name))))
(cdr rankings))
- (hill-add hill-dir challenger-file challenger-name)
+ (hill-add hill-dir challenger-file)
(hill-remove hill-dir loser-name)
(if (equal? loser-name challenger-name)
(hill-news-add hill-dir
(with-output-to-file (make-pathname dir "news")
(lambda () (pretty-print new-news)))))
-(define (hill-add dir file name)
- (copy-file file (make-pathname dir (->string name) ".red")))
+(define (hill-add dir file)
+ (let* ((prog (file->prog file))
+ (name (prog-name prog))
+ (author (prog-author prog))
+ (submitted (seconds->string)))
+ (copy-file file (make-pathname dir name ".red"))
+ (with-output-to-file (make-pathname dir name ".info")
+ (lambda ()
+ (pretty-print (list author submitted))))))
(define (hill-remove dir name)
- (delete-file (make-pathname dir name ".red")))
+ (delete-file (make-pathname dir name ".red"))
+ (delete-file (make-pathname dir name ".info")))
(define (make-spec core-size match-length games-per-match hill-size)
(list 'spec hill-size core-size match-length games-per-match))