(chicken string)
(chicken pretty-print)
(chicken sort)
+ (chicken time posix)
mars parser)
(define (score-match spec prog1 prog2)
- (print "Matching " (prog-name prog1) " against " (prog-name prog2))
+ (print "... Matching " (prog-name prog1) " against " (prog-name prog2))
(let ((tally
(lambda (score-a score-b)
(let* ((spec (hill-spec hill-dir))
(scores (hill-scores hill-dir))
(challenger-prog (file->prog challenger-file))
+ (challenger-name (prog-name challenger-prog))
(hill-progs (map file->prog (hill-files hill-dir))))
- (if (member (prog-name challenger-prog) (map prog-name hill-progs))
- (print "Challenger already on hill!")
+ (hill-news-add hill-dir "Challenger '" challenger-name "' accepted for battle.")
+ (if (member challenger-name (map prog-name hill-progs))
+ (hill-news-add hill-dir "Challenge aborted: challenger already on hill!")
(let* ((new-scores (append (score-challenger-matches spec challenger-prog hill-progs)
(rankings (scores->rankings new-scores)))
(if (<= (length rankings) (spec-hill-size spec))
- (save-hill-scores-and-rankings new-scores rankings hill-dir)
- (hill-add-file challenger-file (prog-name challenger-prog) hill-dir))
- (let ((loser (caar rankings)))
- (save-hill-scores-and-rankings (filter (lambda (score)
- (not (or (equal? (car score) loser)
- (equal? (cadr score) loser))))
+ (hill-save-scores-and-rankings hill-dir new-scores rankings)
+ (hill-add hill-dir challenger-file challenger-name)
+ (hill-news-add hill-dir "Challenger '" challenger-name "' added to the hill."))
+ (let ((loser-name (caar rankings)))
+ (hill-save-scores-and-rankings hill-dir
+ (filter (lambda (score)
+ (not (or (equal? (car score) loser-name)
+ (equal? (cadr score) loser-name))))
- (cdr rankings)
- hill-dir)
- (hill-remove loser hill-dir)))))))
+ (cdr rankings))
+ (hill-add hill-dir challenger-file challenger-name)
+ (hill-remove hill-dir loser-name)
+ (if (equal? loser-name challenger-name)
+ (hill-news-add hill-dir
+ "Challenger '" challenger-name
+ "' failed to best any warrior on the hill.")
+ (begin
+ (hill-news-add hill-dir
+ "Challenger '" challenger-name
+ "' defeated at least one warrior on the hill.")
+ (hill-news-add hill-dir
+ "Warrior '" loser-name
+ "' has been pushed off the hill!")))))))))
;;; Hill initialization and specs
(define (hill-scores dir)
(with-input-from-file (make-pathname dir "scores") read))
-(define (save-hill-scores-and-rankings scores rankings dir)
- (with-output-to-file (make-pathname dir "scores")
- (lambda () (pretty-print scores)))
- (with-output-to-file (make-pathname dir "rankings")
- (lambda () (pretty-print rankings))))
+(define (hill-save-scores-and-rankings dir scores rankings)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (p)
+ (with-output-to-file (make-pathname dir (car p))
+ (lambda () (pretty-print (cdr p)))))
+ `(("scores" . ,scores) ("rankings" . ,rankings))))
(define (hill-spec dir)
(with-input-from-file (make-pathname dir "spec") read))
(define (hill-rankings dir)
(with-input-from-file (make-pathname dir "rankings") read))
-(define (hill-add-file file name dir)
+(define (hill-news dir)
+ (with-input-from-file (make-pathname dir "news") read))
+(define (hill-news-add dir . args)
+ (let* ((old-news (hill-news dir))
+ (news-string (apply conc args))
+ (new-news (cons (cons (seconds->string) news-string) old-news)))
+ (print news-string)
+ (with-output-to-file (make-pathname dir "news")
+ (lambda () (pretty-print new-news)))))
+(define (hill-add dir file name)
(copy-file file (make-pathname dir (->string name) ".red")))
-(define (hill-remove-file name dir)
+(define (hill-remove dir name)
(delete-file (make-pathname dir name ".red")))
(define (make-spec core-size match-length games-per-match hill-size)
(print ";; Hill specifications.")
(print ";; ('spec hill-size core-size game-length games-per-match\n")
(pp (make-spec core-size game-length games-per-match hill-size))))
- (with-output-to-file (make-pathname dir "scores")
- (lambda () (pp '())))
- (with-output-to-file (make-pathname dir "rankings")
- (lambda () (pp '())))))))
+ (hill-save-scores-and-rankings dir '() '())
+ (with-output-to-file (make-pathname dir "news")
+ (lambda () (print '())))
+ (hill-news-add dir "Hill created.")))))
;;;; Main ;;;;
((or () ((or "-h" "--help")))
(((or "-i" "--init") dir hill-size core-size game-length games-per-match)
- (init-hill-dir dir hill-size core-size game-length games-per-match))
+ (init-hill-dir dir
+ (string->number hill-size)
+ (string->number core-size)
+ (string->number game-length)
+ (string->number games-per-match)))
(((or "-i" "--init") dir)
(init-hill-dir dir
(((or "-i" "--init") dir hill-size)
(init-hill-dir dir
- hill-size
+ (string->number hill-size)
(mode-post-indirect-A-irx (irregex "^\\}"))
(mode-post-indirect-B-irx (irregex "^>"))
(number-irx (irregex "^(\\+|-)?[0-9]+")))
(define (accept-token irx . rest)
(let ((wsmatch (irregex-search whitespace-irx (substring str idx))))
(if wsmatch
(if mandatory
(error "Unexpected token at input string index" idx)
(define (load-file)
(accept-token redcode-irx #t)
(let loop ((instrs '())
((org) (loop instrs (cdr this-line) name author))
((instr) (loop (cons (cdr this-line) instrs) offset name author)))
(make-prog name author (reverse instrs) offset)))))
(define (line)
(or (name-line)
(define (name-line)
(if (accept-token name-start-irx)
(cons 'name (string-trim (accept-token name-irx #t)))
(define (author-line)
(if (accept-token author-start-irx)
(cons 'author (string-trim (accept-token author-irx #t)))
(define (comment-line)
(if (accept-token comment-irx)
(define (org-line)
(if (accept-token org-irx)
(cons 'org (string->number (accept-token number-irx #t)))
(define (instruction-line)
(let ((oc (opcode)))
(if oc
(z (accept-token comment-irx #t)))
(cons 'instr (make-instr oc modif A-mode A-num B-mode B-num)))
(define (opcode)
(let ((res (or (accept-token opcode-DAT-irx)
(accept-token opcode-MOV-irx)
(accept-token opcode-SPL-irx)
(accept-token opcode-NOP-irx))))
(if res (string->symbol res) #f)))
(define (modifier)
(or (accept-token modifier-AB-irx)
(accept-token modifier-F-irx)
(accept-token modifier-X-irx)
(accept-token modifier-I-irx))))
(define (mode)
(or (mode-immediate)
(define (mode-immediate)
(and (accept-token mode-immediate-irx)
(define (mode-direct)
(and (accept-token mode-direct-irx)
(define (mode-indirect-A)
(and (accept-token mode-indirect-A-irx)
(define (mode-indirect-B)
(and (accept-token mode-indirect-B-irx)
(define (mode-pre-indirect-A)
(and (accept-token mode-pre-indirect-A-irx)
(define (mode-pre-indirect-B)
(and (accept-token mode-pre-indirect-B-irx)
(define (mode-post-indirect-A)
(and (accept-token mode-post-indirect-A-irx)
(define (mode-post-indirect-B)
(and (accept-token mode-post-indirect-B-irx)