--- /dev/null
+(import (chicken process-context)
+ (chicken file)
+ (chicken pathname)
+ (chicken string)
+ (chicken pretty-print)
+ matchable
+ mars parser)
+(define CORE-SIZE 8000)
+(define GAMES-PER-MATCH 1)
+(define INITIAL-INSTR (make-instr 'DAT 'F 'immediate 0 'immediate 0))
+(define (file->prog file)
+ (string->prog (with-input-from-file fname read)))
+(define (run-all-challenges challenger-file other-files)
+ (let ((challenger-prog (file->prog challenger-file))
+ (challenger-name (prog-name challenger-prog))
+ (other-progs (apply file->prog other-files)))
+ (map
+ (lambda (other-prog)
+ (let ((other-name (prog-name other-prog))
+ (result (run-match challenger-prog other-prog)))
+ (cond ((or (= (length result) 2)
+ (= (length result) 0))
+ `((,challenger-name 1) (,other-name 1)))
+ ((eq? (queue-name (car result)) challenger-name)
+ `((,challenger-name 3) (,other-name 0)))
+ (else
+ `((,challenger-name 0) (,other-name 3))))))
+ other-progs)))
+(define (run-match . progs)
+ (let* ((core (make-core CORE-SIZE INITIAL-INSTR))
+ (queues (install-progs core (list challenger-prog other-prog))))
+ (run-mars core queues)))
+;;; Score keeping
+(define (load-specs dir)
+ (with-input-from-file (make-pathname dir "specs") read))
+(define (make-specs core-size match-length games-per-match hill-size)
+ (list 'specs hill-size core-size match-length games-per-match))
+(define (specs? specs)
+ (and (pair? specs) (eq? (car specs) 'specs)))
+(define (specs-hill-size specs) (list-ref specs 1))
+(define (specs-core-size specs) (list-ref specs 2))
+(define (specs-game-length specs) (list-ref specs 3))
+(define (specs-games-per-match specs) (list-ref specs 4))
+(define (init-hill-dir dir hill-size core-size game-length games-per-match)
+ (if (or (not (directory-exists? dir)) (not (file-writable? dir)))
+ (print "Directory " dir " doesn't exist or is not writable.")
+ (if (not (null? (glob (make-pathname dir "*"))))
+ (print "Directory " dir " exists but is non-empty.")
+ (with-output-to-file (make-pathname dir "specs")
+ (lambda ()
+ (print ";; Hill specifications.")
+ (print ";; ('specs hill-size core-size game-length games-per-match\n")
+ (pp (make-specs core-size game-length games-per-match hill-size)))))))
+;;;; Main ;;;;
+(define (print-usage)
+ (let ((binary (pathname-file (car (argv)))))
+ (print "King of the Hill Tournament Manager")
+ (print "Usage:\t" binary " hill-directory challenger-file")
+ (print "\t" binary " [-h|--help]")
+ (print "\t" binary " [-i|--init] hill-directory [hill-size [core-size game-length games-per-match]]")))
+(define (process-args args)
+ (match args
+ ((or () ((or "-h" "--help")))
+ (print-usage))
+ (((or "-i" "--init") dir hill-size core-size game-length games-per-match)
+ (init-hill-dir dir hill-size core-size game-length games-per-match))
+ (((or "-i" "--init") dir)
+ (init-hill-dir dir 10 8000 80000 10))
+ (((or "-i" "--init") dir hill-size)
+ (init-hill-dir dir hill-size 8000 80000 10))
+ ((hill-dir challenger-file)
+ (print "Not implemented"))
+ (else
+ (print "Invalid arguments: " (apply conc else)))))
+(define (main)
+ (process-args (cdr (argv))))