--- /dev/null
+(import sam
+ matchable
+ srfi-13)
+(define client
+ (make-actor
+ (lambda (self . message)
+ (let ((name "name")
+ (recipients '()))
+ (match message
+ (('start)
+ (send-message system 'print "Welcome to chat!\n"
+ "Your client address is " (address->string self) ".\n"
+ "Type '/help' for a list of commands.\n")
+ (send-message system 'read self))
+ (('show-msg from text)
+ (send-message system 'print "Message from " from ": " text))
+ (((? string? str))
+ (if (string-prefix? "/" str)
+ (let* ((idx (string-index str #\space))
+ (cmd (substring str 1 idx))
+ (arg (substring str idx)))
+ (match cmd
+ ("help"
+ (send-message system 'print
+ "Command | Description\n"
+ "------------------------------\n"
+ "\help List commands\n"
+ "\join <address> Join chat with specified client\n"
+ "\quit Quit chat"))
+ ("join"
+ (set! recipients (cons (uri-reference arg) recipients))
+ (send-message system 'print "Added recipient to chat."))
+ ("quit"
+ (send-message system 'exit))
+ (else
+ (send-message system 'print "Unrecognised command '" cmd "'"))))
+ (let loop (recipients-left recipients)
+ (unless (null? recipients-left)
+ (send-message (car recipients-left) 'show-msg name str)
+ (loop (cdr recipients-left)))))))
+ (send-message system 'read self)
+ 'sleep))))
+(define (main)
+ (let loop ((args (cdr (argv)))
+ (host "localhost")
+ (port 8000))
+ (match args
+ ((or "-h" "--help")
+ (print-usage))
+ (((or "-p" "--port") pstr rest ...)
+ (loop rest host (string->number pstr)))
+ (("--hostname" hstr rest ...)
+ (loop rest hstr port))
+ (()
+ (make-sam host port)
+ (send-message client 'start)))))