;; Created: 14 June 2021
;; Version: 1.0
;; Keywords: network
-;; Homepage: http://thelambdalab.xyz/erc
+;; Homepage: http://thelambdalab.xyz/lurk
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26"))
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
-;;; Contexts and users
+;;; Contexts
-(defvar lurk-context-table
- '((channel lurk-display-channel-message)
- (nick lurk-display-private-message)
- (host lurk-diaplay-server-message)))
(defvar lurk-current-context nil)
(defvar lurk-contexts (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(lurk-cycle-contexts t))
;;; Buffer
(defun lurk-setup-buffer ()
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*lurk*")
+ (setq-local scroll-conservatively 1)
(if (markerp lurk-prompt-marker)
(set-marker lurk-prompt-marker (point-max))
(setq lurk-prompt-marker (point-max-marker)))
(defun lurk-display-message (from to text)
- (let* ((to-type (lurk-get-context-type to))
- (display-fun (cadr (assoc to-type lurk-context-table))))
- (funcall display-fun from to text)))
-(defun lurk-display-channel-message (from to text)
- (lurk-display-string
- (propertize (concat to
- " <" from "> "
- text)
- 'face 'lurk-text)))
-(defun lurk-display-action (channel-name nick action)
- (lurk-display-string (concat channel-name
- " * "
- (propertize (concat nick " " action)
- 'face 'lurk-text))))
-(defun lurk-display-private-message (from to text)
+ (let ((context (if (equal from lirc-nick) to from)))
+ (lurk-display-string
+ (propertize
+ (pcase (lurk-get-context-type to)
+ ('channel (concat to " <" from "> " text))
+ ('nick (concat "[" from " -> " to "] " text))
+ (_
+ (error "Unsupported context type")))
+ 'face 'lurk-text
+ 'help-echo (concat "Context: " to)))))
+(defun lurk-display-notice (context &rest notices)
- (concat
- (propertize
- (concat "[" from " -> " to "] "
- text)
- 'face 'lurk-text))))
-(defun lurk-display-notice (&rest notices)
- (lurk-display-string lurk-notice-prefix " " (apply #'concat notices)))
+ (propertize
+ (concat lurk-notice-prefix " " (apply #'concat notices))
+ 'help-echo (concat "Context: " (or context "none")))))
(defun lurk-display-error (&rest messages)
- (lurk-display-string lurk-error-prefix " "
- (propertize (apply #'concat messages)
- 'face 'lurk-error)))
+ (lurk-display-string
+ (concat lurk-error-prefix " "
+ (propertize (apply #'concat messages)
+ 'face 'lurk-error))))
;;; Message evaluation
(pcase (lurk-msg-cmd msg)
- (lurk-msg nil nil "PONG" (lurk-msg-params msg)))
- (lurk-display-notice "ping-pong"))
+ (lurk-msg nil nil "PONG" (lurk-msg-params msg))))
+ ;; (lurk-display-notice nil "ping-pong (server initiated)"))
+ ("PONG")
+ ;; (lurk-display-notice nil "ping-pong (client initiated)"))
("353" ; NAMEREPLY
(let* ((params (lurk-msg-params msg))
(lurk-add-context-users channel names)))
- (lurk-display-notice
+ (lurk-display-notice nil
(lurk--as-string (length (lurk-get-context-users lurk-current-context)))
" users in " lurk-current-context))
((rx (= 3 (any digit)))
- (lurk-display-notice (mapconcat 'identity (cdr (lurk-msg-params msg)) " ")))
+ (lurk-display-notice nil (mapconcat 'identity (cdr (lurk-msg-params msg)) " ")))
((and "JOIN"
(guard (equal lurk-nick (lurk-msg-src msg))))
- (let ((channel-name (car (lurk-msg-params msg))))
- (lurk-add-context channel-name)
- (setq lurk-current-context channel-name)
- (lurk-display-notice "Joining channel " channel-name)
+ (let ((channel (car (lurk-msg-params msg))))
+ (lurk-add-context channel)
+ (setq lurk-current-context channel)
+ (lurk-display-notice nil "Joining channel " channel)
- (let ((channel-name (car (lurk-msg-params msg)))
+ (let ((channel (car (lurk-msg-params msg)))
(nick (lurk-msg-src msg)))
- (lurk-add-context-users channel-name (list nick))
- (lurk-display-notice nick " joined channel " channel-name)))
+ (lurk-add-context-users channel (list nick))
+ (lurk-display-notice channel nick " joined channel " channel)))
((and "PART"
(guard (equal lurk-nick (lurk-msg-src msg))))
- (let ((channel-name (car (lurk-msg-params msg))))
- (lurk-display-notice "Left channel " channel-name)
- (lurk-del-context channel-name)
- (if (equal channel-name lurk-current-context)
+ (let ((channel (car (lurk-msg-params msg))))
+ (lurk-display-notice channel "Left channel " channel)
+ (lurk-del-context channel)
+ (if (equal channel lurk-current-context)
(setq lurk-current-context (lurk-get-next-context)))
- (let ((channel-name (car (lurk-msg-params msg)))
+ (let ((channel (car (lurk-msg-params msg)))
(nick (lurk-msg-src msg)))
- (lurk-del-context-user channel-name nick)
- (lurk-display-notice nick " left channel " channel-name)))
+ (lurk-del-context-user channel nick)
+ (lurk-display-notice channel nick " left channel " channel)))
(let ((nick (lurk-msg-src msg))
(reason (mapconcat 'identity (lurk-msg-params msg) " ")))
(lurk-del-user nick)
- (lurk-display-notice nick " quit: " reason)))
+ (lurk-display-notice nil nick " quit: " reason)))
((and "NICK"
(guard (equal lurk-nick (lurk-msg-src msg))))
(setq lurk-nick (car (lurk-msg-params msg)))
- (lurk-display-notice "Set nick to " lurk-nick))
+ (lurk-display-notice nil "Set nick to " lurk-nick))
(let ((old-nick (lurk-msg-src msg))
(new-nick (car (lurk-msg-params msg))))
- (lurk-display-notice nick " is now known as " new-nick)
+ (lurk-display-notice nil nick " is now known as " new-nick)
(lurk-rename-user nick new-nick)))
((rx (: "\01VERSION "
(let version (* (not "\01")))
- (lurk-display-notice "CTCP version reply from " nick ": " version))
+ (lurk-display-notice nil "CTCP version reply from " nick ": " version))
- (lurk-display-notice text)))))
+ (lurk-display-notice nil text)))))
(let* ((from (lurk-msg-src msg))
(list from (concat "\01VERSION "
- (lurk-display-notice "CTCP version request received from " from))
+ (lurk-display-notice nil "CTCP version request received from " from))
((rx (let ping (: "\01PING " (* (not "\01")) "\01")))
(lurk-send-msg (lurk-msg nil nil "NOTICE" (list from ping)))
(if (string-prefix-p "/" string)
(pcase (substring string 1)
((rx (: "CONNECT " (let network (* not-newline))))
- (lurk-display-notice "Attempting to connect to " network "...")
+ (lurk-display-notice nil "Attempting to connect to " network "...")
(lurk-connect network))
((rx (: "TOPIC " (let new-topic (* not-newline))))
((rx (: "VERSION" " " (let nick (* (not whitespace)))))
(lurk-send-msg (lurk-msg nil nil "PRIVMSG"
(list nick "\01VERSION\01")))
- (lurk-display-notice "CTCP version request sent to " nick))
+ (lurk-display-notice nil "CTCP version request sent to " nick))
((rx "PART" (opt (: " " (let channel (* not-newline)))))
(if (or lurk-current-context channel)