# Executables
# Libraries
-all : koth run-mars
+all : koth run-mars debug-mars
%.so : %.scm
csc -s $< -J
run-mars : run-mars.scm mars.so parser.so visualizer.so
csc run-mars.scm
+debug-mars : debug-mars.scm mars.so parser.so
+ csc debug-mars.scm
koth : koth.scm mars.so parser.so
csc koth.scm
clean :
rm -f koth run-mars *.so *.link *.import.scm *.o
-# Cross-compile static executable
- csc_linux -static -c mars.scm -unit mars -J
- csc_linux -static -c parser.scm -unit parser -J
- csc_linux -static -L -static koth.scm -link mars,parser
+ csc_linux -c mars.scm -unit mars -J
+ csc_linux -c parser.scm -unit parser -J
+ csc_linux koth.scm -link mars,parser
# csc_linux -c mars.scm -unit mars -uses matchable -J
# csc_linux -c parser.scm -unit parser -uses srfi-13 -J
--- /dev/null
+(import (chicken io)
+ (chicken pathname)
+ (chicken process-context)
+ matchable
+ srfi-13
+ mars parser)
+(define (load-progs filenames)
+ (map (lambda (filename)
+ (string->prog (with-input-from-file filename read-string)))
+ filenames))
+(define (print-help)
+ (print "Commands:\n"
+ "q:\tPrint current process queues\n"
+ "c:\tClear and reinitialize core\n"
+ "d:\tDump list of instructions around each process instruction pointer\n"
+ "s, n:\tStep to next iteration\n"
+ "x:\tQuit debugger"))
+(define (mars-debugger core-size filenames)
+ (let* ((core (make-core core-size))
+ (progs (load-progs filenames))
+ (queues (install-progs core progs)))
+ (print "JaRS Redcode Debugger. Enter 'h' for help.")
+ (let loop ()
+ (print* "> ")
+ (if
+ (match (string-tokenize (read-line))
+ (("h")
+ (print-help)
+ #t)
+ (("q")
+ (print queues)
+ #t)
+ (("c")
+ (print "Reinitializing...")
+ (set! core (make-core core-size))
+ (set! queues (install-progs core progs))
+ #t)
+ (("d")
+ (dump-queues queues core)
+ #t)
+ ((or ("s") ("n") ())
+ (set! queues (run-mars core queues 1 1))
+ (dump-queues queues core)
+ #t)
+ (("x")
+ #f)
+ (other
+ (print "Error: unrecognised command '" other "'")
+ #t))
+ (loop)
+ (print "Bye.")))))
+(define (print-usage)
+ (print "Usage: run-mars [-h|--help]\n"
+ " run-mars [-c|--core size]\n"
+ " warrior1.red [warrior2.red [...]]"))
+(define (main)
+ (let loop ((args (cdr (argv)))
+ (core-size 8000))
+ (match args
+ ((or () ((or "-h" "--help")))
+ (print-usage))
+ (((or "-c" "--core-size") cstr rest ...)
+ (loop rest (string->number cstr)))
+ ((filenames ...)
+ (mars-debugger core-size filenames)))))
+++ /dev/null
-(import (chicken io)
- mars visualizer parser)
-;; (define addressing-test
-;; (make-prog 'at (list
-;; (make-instr 'DAT 'F 'immediate 42 'immediate 53)
-;; (make-instr 'DAT 'F 'immediate 123 'immediate 256)
-;; (make-instr 'MOV 'A 'indirect-B 4 'direct 7)
-;; (make-instr 'NOP 'I 'immediate 0 'immediate 0)
-;; (make-instr 'NOP 'I 'immediate 0 'immediate 0)
-;; (make-instr 'NOP 'I 'immediate 0 'immediate 0)
-;; (make-instr 'DAT 'F 'immediate -5 'immediate -6)) 2))
-;; (define imp
-;; (make-prog 'imp (list (make-instr 'MOV 'I 'direct 0 'direct 1)) 0))
-;; (define dwarf
-;; (make-prog 'dwarf (list
-;; (make-instr 'DAT 'F 'immediate 0 'immediate -1)
-;; (make-instr 'ADD 'AB 'immediate 5 'direct -1)
-;; (make-instr 'MOV 'I 'direct -2 'indirect-B -2)
-;; (make-instr 'JMP 'I 'immediate -2 'immediate 0)) 1))
- (vis 'destroy)
- ((exn) #f))
-;; (define files '("dwarf.red"))
-(define files '("imp.red" "dwarf.red"))
-(define progs
- (map
- (lambda (fname)
- (string->prog (with-input-from-file fname read-string)))
- files))
-(define colors '("red" "blue" "green" "magenta" "cyan"))
-(define color-map
- (let loop ((entries '())
- (progs-left progs)
- (colors-left colors))
- (if (null? progs-left)
- entries
- (let ((this-prog (car progs-left))
- (this-col (car colors-left)))
- (loop (cons (cons (prog-name this-prog) this-col) entries)
- (cdr progs-left)
- (cdr colors-left))))))
-(define vis (make-vis 640 480 8000 color-map))
-(define core (make-core 8000 (make-instr 'DAT 'F 'immediate 0 'immediate 0)
- (lambda (i n)
- (vis 'update-owner i n))))
-(define queues (install-progs core progs))
-(for-each dump-prog progs)
-(set! queues (run-mars core queues 10000))
-(for-each (lambda (q)
- (print "Queue for " (queue-owner q) ":")
- (dump-queue q core)
- (print))
- queues)