--- /dev/null
+;;; An implementation of the Memory Array Redcode Simulator (MARS)
+;;; Constants
+(define core-size 8000)
+(define max-steps 10000)
+;;; Memory setup
+(define core (make-vector core-size '()))
+;;; Instructions
+(define (make-instr opcode modifier addrA modeA addrB modeB))
+;;; Players
+(define (make-player name . ptrs)
+ (cons name ptrs))
+(define (player-ptrs player)
+ (cdr player))
+(define (player-name player)
+ (car player))
+(define (player-set-ptrs! player ptrs)
+ (set-cdr! player ptrs))
+;;; Main loop
+(define (list-rot l)
+ (if (> (length l) 1)
+ (append (cdr l) (list (car l)))
+ l))
+(define (run playerA playerB step)
+ (cond
+ ((> step max-steps) 'tie)
+ ((null? (player-ptrs playerA) playerB))
+ ((null? (player-ptrs playerB) playerA))
+ (else
+ (let ((ptrs (player-ptrs playerA)))
+ (player-set-ptrs! (append (cdr ptrs)
+ (execute-instr (car ptrs)))))
+ (run playerB player A (+ step 1)))))
+(define (execute-instr ptr)
+ (let ((instr (vector-ref core ptr)))
+ (match instr
+ ())))
--- /dev/null
+;; Visualization experiments
+(import (chicken io)
+ (chicken process)
+ (chicken port)
+ (chicken string))
+;; Generic Wish interface
+(define wish-in '())
+(define wish-out '())
+(define (wish-startup w h)
+ (let-values (((in-port out-port id) (process (conc "wish -geometry " w "x" h))))
+ (set! wish-in in-port)
+ (set! wish-out out-port)))
+(define (wish-shutdown)
+ (wish% "destroy .")
+ (close-input-port wish-in)
+ (close-output-port wish-out))
+(define (wish% . args)
+ (with-output-to-port wish-out
+ (lambda ()
+ (apply print args))))
+;; High-level visualization commands
+(define (visualizer-open w h)
+ (wish-startup w h)
+ (wish% "canvas .c -width " w " -height " h " -bg black")
+ (wish% "pack .c")
+ (wish% "image create photo core -width " w " -height " h " -palette 256/256/256")
+ (wish% ".c create image 0 0 -anchor nw -image core"))
+(define (set-pixel x y col)
+ (wish% "core put " col " -to " x " " y))
+(define (visualizer-close)
+ (wish-shutdown))
+;; Test code
+(visualizer-open 640 480)
+(set-pixel 10 10 "red")
+(sleep 3)